Epson Square Marunouchi epSITE GalleryGallery Tokyo 23 wardsEpson Gallery is located in the Epson Square Marunouchi, a two-minute walk from Yurakucho Station on the JR line. The ga...Read More0
SAN-AI GALLERY +contemporary artGallery Tokyo 23 wardsThe gallery opened in 2005. We introduce paintings, prints, sculptures, metalwork, trinkets and vessels by contemporary ...Read More
Meets galleryGallery Tokyo 23 wardsMeets Gallery aims to be a "meeting place" for people involved in art, while focusing on the discovery of art with poten...Read More0
[The Evangelist of Contemporary Art]ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2020とは何だったのか?(その2-2)1 February, 2021Blog & Review1275 views24 レヌ・サヴァント《ミリャでの数カ月》2-2(2-1からの続き) ここで是非とも強調しておかなければならないのは、雰囲気が密やかとはいえ何も起こらない平穏な現実ではないということである。いや、それどころかカタストロフィが起こる前であった...Read More0
TAKEO MIHONCHO HONTENGallery Tokyo 23 wardsThis is a fine paper showroom and shop operated by Takeo Corporation, a paper specialist, where you can purchase paper o...Read More0
Akibatamabi 21Gallery Tokyo 23 wardsAkibatamabi 21 is an alternative gallery space in 3331Arts Chiyoda, with the aim of supporting career development after ...Read More0
Toki-no-WasuremonoGallery Tokyo 23 wardsToki-no-Wasuremono (means "something forgotten in time") deals with prints, oil paintings, photographs, and sculptures b...Read More0
[Aohitokun's Thoughts]35年前の旅日記 - 香港からベルリンへ!1 February, 2021Blog & Review794 views1984年夏の北京・天安門広場。 35年ほど前、香港、上海、北京そしてシベリア鉄道でベルリンまで行ったときのポジフィルムがあったので、ヤフオクで安い透過原稿ユニットの付いた安いスキャナーを手に入れ、デジタル画像にしてみたので、素晴らしい連載...Read More0
Ginza Sony ParkGallery Tokyo 23 wardsInheriting the concept of "a facility that is open to the city" from the original Sony Building, Ginza Sony Park was ope...Read More0
Galerie nichidoGallery Tokyo 23 wardsGalerie nichido is the first gallery specialized in the Western-style oil painting in Japan founded in 1928. As a pionee...Read More0
Ningyocho Vision'sGallery Tokyo 23 wardsOpened in January 2002, Ningyocho Visions is a venue that can be used for exhibitions and events. It works as a "place" ...Read More0
Kurenboh Chohouin Buddhist Temple GalleryGallery Tokyo 23 wardsThe meditation gallery "Kurenboh" opened on September 11, 2006, on the grounds of Chohouin Temple. In this small room, w...Read More
Gallery QGallery Tokyo 23 wards< Beyond social distance >Art shows the fundamental human way of life. The true purpose of art is also a universal...Read More0
Ginza Graphic GalleryGallery Tokyo 23 wardsGinza Graphic Gallery is a gallery specializing in graphic design established by Dai Nippon Printing Co. as part of its ...Read More0
GALLERY KOYANAGIGallery Tokyo 23 wardsGallery Koyanagi opened in Ginza in 1995. Primary gallery for domestic and international contemporary artists such as Hi...Read More0
[Art News Liminality]明治神宮の静かな100年祭―「神宮の杜芸術祝祭」と宝物の間から(その1)Blog & Review843 views文化庁・日本博事業 関連掲示宇都志岐青人草(うつくしきあをひとくさ)―応神記[1] 「神宮の杜芸術祝祭」(芸術監督・山口裕美)が明治神宮を舞台に開催されている。明治神宮の創建100年を言祝ぐ日本人の自然観を体現する芸術や文化のフェスティバル...Read More0
[The Evangelist of Contemporary Art]ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2020とは何だったのか?(その2-1)1 February, 2021Blog & Review1193 views2. 今回のトリエンナーレは、一つの線に沿って辿ることのできる構成だった。二つのメイン会場のうち横浜美術館がより中心の展示場であり、さらに横浜美術館のスペースは、あたかも一方向の順路があるかのように作品が配置されていたからだ。またプロット4...Read More0
[Physical Expression Criticism]舞踏という思想Blog & Review774 views写真:大野一雄『ラ・アルヘンチーナ頌』(1977年)photo:池上直哉 このコラムの通しタイトルを身体表現批評(Physical Expression Criticism)としたのには、理由がある。それは、私が舞踏という身体表現をきっかけ...Read More0
FotoriGallery Tokyo 23 wardsPhoto Project Room Fotori is a studio gallery in Asakusabashi, Tokyo, based on the concept of "travel, mountains, books ...Read More0
GALLERY RINGallery Tokyo 23 wardsGALLERY Rin opened in Tokyo Kyobashi in April 2013 with the concept of “introducing various beauty in various forms”.Tak...Read More0
HANADA GalleryGallery Tokyo 23 wardsHanada Gallery is a family-oriented relationship with our clients. We have many customers who have been like family for ...Read More0
ShukadoGallery Tokyo 23 wards Gallery Shukado sells a wide range of excellent Japanese art from the Edo period to young contemporary artists. We espe...Read More0
Fuma Contemporary Tokyo | Bunkyo ArtGallery Tokyo 23 wardsBunkyo Art was founded in 1982 in Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, and established the contemporary art division, Fuma Contemp...Read More0
Art Gallery M84Gallery Tokyo 23 wardsArt Gallery M84 is an art gallery located on Matsuya-dori in Ginza. The gallery space holds exhibitions of artworks on a...Read More0
Minna no GalleryGallery Tokyo 23 wardsMinna no Gallery organizes exhibitions of various artists who use painting, sculpture, crafts, photography, video and in...Read More0
SCAI THE BATHHOUSEGallery Tokyo 23 wardsphoto Norihiro Ueno, cooperation SCAI THE BATHHOUSESCAI The Bathhouse is a contemporary art gallery located in Yanaka, w...Read More0
Nantenshi GalleryGallery Tokyo 23 wards© Ueno NorihiroNantenshi Gallery started in 1960 with the commemorative exhibition "Shuzo Takiguchi" and has been a pion...Read More0
I Gallery20 November, 2020Gallery Tokyo 23 wards326 viewsThe gallery is located on the second floor of a building in the middle of Kyobashi and Ginza. The artist changes every w...Read More0
Kashima ArtsGallery Tokyo 23 wardsWith Japanese paintings and hanging scrolls as its centre, Kashima Arts mainly engages with Japanese art from the Edo pe...Read More0
[World Music Explore]サップとキンシャサとフル・ミジキ13 January, 2021Blog & Review575 views 世界でも、最も危険な都市の一つであるコンゴの首都キンシャサ、そこには興味深い文化がある。 サップ(サプール)という言葉を聞いたことがあるだろうか? 貧しい中にも、洋服だけはパリの一流のファッションを取り入れて、平和を愛し、人生を謳歌してい...Read More0