Due to corona measures, the site may be closed, operating hours may be changed, or advance reservations may be required. Please be sure to check with us before you visit.

National Museum of Japanese History

National Museum of Japanese History

The National Museum of Japanese History opened in March 1983 at the site of Sakura Castle in Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture, on a site of about 130,000 square meters. The museum comprehensively studies and exhibits Japanese history and culture. With a total floor space of 38,000 square meters, the museum displays the history of Japan and the folk world of the Japanese people from prehistoric and ancient times to the present, using reconstructed models and other materials in an easy-to-understand format.

Address117 Jounai-cho,Sakura-shi,Chiba-ken
Business Hour*1March to September 9:30 - 17:00 (admission until16:30) October to February 9:30 - 16:30 (admission until16:00)
Closed*2Mondays (Holidays are open, closed the following day)
Entrance Fee*4Adults¥600 University students ¥250,Free for high school students and younger. Extra charge for special exhibition
Access*5App.15 minutes walk from Keisei-Sakura(KS35) station, 15 min. by bus from JR Sakura(JO 33) station
Collection Pagehttps://www.rekihaku.ac.jp/english/education_research/index.html
*1 The last day of an exhibition or event may end early. *2 There are also end-of-year and temporary closures *3 Blanks refer to all genres. *4 Admission prices may vary depending on the event. Check for senior citizens, children and group discounts.*5 The times shown are approximate.

Exhibition Room 1, Theme I "People Who Lived through the Last Glacial period" Exhibition view

Precautions may be taken to prevent the spread of corona infection.
Please contact the gallery for more information.


* (公開されません)

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