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Equine Museum of Japan

Equine Museum of Japan

The museum is located in Negishi Horse Racing Memorial Park, which was established on the site of the former Negishi Horse Racing Track, Japan's first real western-style horse racing track. Various cultural relics nurtured by the interaction between horses and people are introduced in a wide range of fields such as natural history, history, folk customs, arts and crafts, and horse racing.
At the Pony Center, which is attached to the museum, you can see various breeds of horses, including native Japanese horses and thoroughbreds. There are also events to interact with horses.

Address1-3 Negishidai, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Business Hour*110:00 to 16:00
Closed*2Mondays and Tuesdays (open on national holidays and substitute holidays and closed on the following weekdays)
Genre*3about Horse, as natural history, folklore, arts and artifacts, and horse racing
Entrance Fee*4Adults¥100  High,Junior and elementary school students¥30
Access*5Bus from Negishi(JK07) station
Collection Pagehttps://www.bajibunka.jrao.ne.jp/uma/collections.html
*1 The last day of an exhibition or event may end early. *2 There are also end-of-year and temporary closures *3 Blanks refer to all genres. *4 Admission prices may vary depending on the event. Check for senior citizens, children and group discounts.*5 The times shown are approximate.

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* (公開されません)

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